Wills & Trusts
We Help You Plan Your Estate
Since 1974, we have helped thousands of clients make decisions about what should happen to their property in cases of serious injury, illness or
death. You can rely upon us to customize a solution that will meet your unique needs.
We can help you with all aspects of Estate Planning including:
- Will Drafting
- Choosing an Executor
- Establishing Trusts, such as family Trusts, testamentary Trusts, Henson Trusts
- Tax Planning
- Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care
- Drafting of Living Wills
- Business Succession Planning

Contact Us
If you have any questions about how we can help you, please contact us. Click here to schedule a no-obligation consultation, or you can call us directly at 613-737-4000. Find out how you can benefit from our experience today.